Personal Performance Management is taking all precautions to keep our team and our entire PPM family safe.
Administrative Controls
Our staff has been informed that if they are sick with any symptoms of respiratory illness consistent with cold, influenza, or COVID-19, even if symptoms are mild, they must not work, they must remain at home, and they should contact their family physician or primary care provider.
We have prepared operational contingency plans in cases where staff must remain home when sick.
Staff are required to declare they are symptom-free when signing in for the day by filling out a COVID-19 self-assessment tool. If they have any symptoms, even mild symptoms, they must go home.
If while at work, a staff person starts experiencing symptoms of illness, even if they are mild, they are to leave work immediately, go straight home, and advised to contact their family physician/primary care provider.
We will ensure that objects and surfaces touched by sick staff are disinfected before being used by others.
If a staff person has a COVID-19 diagnosis, the local Public Health department will identify any co-workers who may have been exposed to the sick person.
The employer and staff members should be reassured that if they haven’t been contacted by Public Health then there is no issue or concern that was identified by Public Health.
Personal Hygiene
Hand sanitizer will be provided throughout the space and at entrances and posters reminding of the importance of hand washing/sanitizing following contact with common touch surfaces.
Hand sinks, including those in washrooms and changing rooms, must have liquid soap, single-use paper towels and warm running water at all times.
Staff will be reminded to practice good hygiene throughout their shift, including reminders to avoid touching their face without first cleaning their hands.
Physical greetings (high-fives, fist-bumps, hugs) will be replaced with non-contact greetings.
Avoid touching or adjusting masks often, and do not share them with others.
Physical Distancing
Due to the space of the studio, we are limiting the amount of people to three, to work out at the same time per upstairs and downstairs.
Trainers will ensure social distance if two parties are working out at the same time.
We will continually monitor the number of customers and staff in the facility. Once the maximum number of persons is reached, we will allow one person in for every person that leaves.
We will place numerous bottles of disinfectant & single-use paper towel throughout premises.
Training equipment will be sanitized after each use by the trainer
Staff will have a detailed high-touch surface list and cleaning schedule posted which requires hourly attention from assigned staff.
Employees responsible for cleaning shall be equipped with any personal protective equipment deemed necessary, depending on the cleaning process and chemicals used.
Disinfectants will have a DIN (drug identification number) and PPM will make sure the appropriate contact time is met. Surfaces must remain wet with disinfectant for the correct length of time in order to destroy any contamination).
Surfaces that are dirty are to be cleaned with soap and water first, before disinfecting.
Handling Shared Equipment
Shared equipment that cannot be properly disinfected will be removed from use.
Personal Trainers will sanitize shared equipment before and after client use.
Clients will be directed to hand washing stations or hand sanitizer after using equipment.
Customers will be encouraged to wash hands or use sanitizer prior to renting/borrowing any equipment.
Employees are to wash their hands after touching anything that has been in the client’s possession and before helping the next client.
We will continue to operate our online virtual training options.
Scheduling can and should be done through the phone and/or through the online app Mind Body.
Our studio manager will continue to keep daily records of the people who worked together and retain these records for at least two months.
Staff training will be done in small groups with social distancing, or online.
Signage & Communications
We have placed signs on front doors to tell anyone entering not to enter if they are feeling ill or experiencing symptoms potentially related to COVID-19.
PPM has posted physical distancing and hand washing/hand sanitizing signs in common areas.
PPM has placed posters near to all bathroom and kitchen sinks, reminding users of good hand washing practice.
Wherever possible, use of diagrams and pictures to communicate information.
We encourage staff to provide regular feedback on any issues with COVID-19 prevention measures.